Saturday, November 1, 2014

Waiting for God’s Response to Medical Negligence

I know there is purpose for everything that God allows in the lives of believers.  We all know that in his word we are told that it rains on the just and the unjust.  We, as believers are not immune to pain and suffering.  Actually, because of what we believe we face more.  But, his word does tell us that even the pain and suffering works together for good in the life of the believer.  So as I struggle to put this medical negligence battle into perspective, and continue to move forward, I am waiting and watching for God’s response because I know he has one, too many of his children are being affected.

Last week, I read and meditated on the faithful lives of Ruth and Esther.  How they stayed focused and on course.  When I was about to close the book, the Holy Spirit compelled me to move right into Job.  Now, the beginning of Job has always been one that I have struggled with, and just now God has given me a better understanding.  It was the conversation between God and Satan that I had a big issue with.  I imagine I am not the only who have asked, “Why would God do this to his faithful servant, Job?”

I have been in church since I can remember.  It is very possible that I missed the sermon on this part or I just never really got an understanding from the Lord, and today because this has always bothered me and I asked, he broke it down for me.  It is better sometimes to seek the source.  So here is what I received this morning.  The very moment we accept salvation, we are placed in the same position as Job.  The trials come when we act on our faith and according to our faith.  The enemy attacks because of our faith.  So the conversation with him and Satan, about Job, was not the first time nor the last.  It is one that he allowed us to see and hear, but yes, Job was a good example for us all and this is why he has given us a close up of what transpired. 

As simple as that was, I never got that out of what I read in the conversation between God and Satan.  I always felt like, “God, why did you do that?" Or, should I say, “God why did you throw Job under the bus?”  I believe this is how we sometimes feel, but as believers we must understand that the attacks do not come from him, but because of our belief in him.  So for me, this morning, this has helped me to stand even firmer against medical negligence.  I am even more certain that God will move.  

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