Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thought for Today

Thought for today (not a study post):

So as I read through Job ( and this is not a study post) what I realize is that how we interpret and experience God's word has a lot to do with how we know (relationship) him.  The things that have bothered me most, is others interpretation of this particular book, and my refusal to go back and read and allow God to reveal to me what he wants me to take away from it.  I think I read through this entire book many years ago, but since Robyn's stroke, because of my issues with the first chapter, I refrained from reading it.  Where as some may not understand that, Job did, and I am sure those who have had questions about where they are in their walk after life situations happen may understand that too. And of course God knew what was in my heart and I am sure it is why he led me here.

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