Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Parallel Study to Job and the Injustices We Face Today

As I took my flashlight and journeyed through the book of Job, I realized that as important as the beginning and the ending was, the middle was what I needed to stay focused.  Often times when we reference the book of Job we reference God’s selection of Job and God’s rewarding of Job at the end.  I think we even do this in life.  We know how we want something to start we even know the ending, but it is the middle part that gets us lost and off course.  We want to be the chosen and we want the reward, but we don’t realize what it will take to get from one point to the other, the faith journey.

I was thinking, wow, Lord, this is a good post to end out the year.  When the Lord led me into this book I was kicking and screaming.  I was ready for the reward.  I have been fighting this medical negligence battle too long.  I am oh, so tired of it.  This is pretty much what I had been telling God.  Lord why do you have me in the midst of these criminals?  What have I done that you have placed me here?  How do I move on from here?  How does it all end?  I feel like you have forsaken me or turned away from me, what now?

Don’t we all feel this way sometimes?  If the journey lasts too long, or the situation does not workout according to how we planned for God to work it out.  I highlighted that for a reason.  We cannot plan for God, and to try and figure it out is frustrating.  So stop.  The only way to God is by faith. The only way to move him is by faith.  So I figure He lead me to read Job in its entirety because I was having a tantrum.  Years ago, one of my nieces shared with her little sister, “Daddy does not do tantrums.”  So let me share this with you all, our Father God does not do tantrums, but he is merciful.  He does know that as humans we are subject to get weary and to even fail sometimes.

Before I started my present journey, I often read the beginning of Job and was moved by how God trusted Job, and even more motivated by the reward.  But now, in the midst of what looks to be a long journey, the beginning and the end is not helping me.  As a matter of fact, it proves to be more of a hindrance because I am thinking, Lord, I know you.  I know how faithful you have been.  Why is this so difficult and then my guilt sets in and makes it worse.  Guess what, as I read through Jobs journey this time, I realized he had the same issue I am having.  That helped me.   

I find the conversations from Job 3-32 quite helpful.  In these chapters we see Job responding to his situation, and his three friends who accused him of sinning.  He had to have done something awful for this turmoil to fall upon him. His friends were unrelenting in their accusations. They suggested that Job repent of his sins in order to be restored.  Well, Job had not sinned.  As I meditated on this part, I considered all those who have walked the halls of injustice.  Those who have reached out for help from an unjust justice department.  Those who know they were set up and unjustly convicted.  Some have even sat at the table with and looked into the eyes of these sick spirited men.  They watched as they destroyed evidence and then falsely accused them, taking away their basic human right to live.

Can I tell you that when you have been that close to discrimination and injustice it changes you.  
When you’ve watched the perpetrators set you up and attempt to destroy you and your family’s life, it does something to you.  Only the God in you will keep you from self-destructing or causing harm to someone else.  When I watched the riots on TV after the verdicts in the police shootings, and I listened to the commentators and reporters, I said to myself they don’t know.  There is an unexplainable anguish that comes with watching your child or loved one destroyed.  Compound that with injustice and you have a time bomb, and only God can diffuse it.

I can only imagine Job’s frustration levels with these individuals and their unfounded accusations.  He honestly had done nothing until he opened his mouth to defend himself.  I can see the enemy now working through Job’s thoughts.  Yeah, you did nothing.  Yet, look where you are.  You were a just upright man.  Where is your God?  In Job’s quest to defend himself he did sin.  In response to their accusations, Job paints himself as a righteous man and even paints God as somewhat perverted to allow this in his life.  Yet in all of Job’s rambling, he said yet will I trust him (faith).  Job had enough sense to know that for whatever reason he was in that state, he was still trusting God and looking to God to step in.  Regardless to how bad it got and how hopeless, he felt his hope was still in God.

It gets really difficult at times to stay focused especially when the storm does not cease.  Unjust practices, family destroyed, finances wiped out, and now in bad health, Job was inconsolable.  His friends had no clue.  He now was at the mercy of those he had given counsel too.  They wanted to know why he wasn't able to find comfort in the advice he had given to others. His response was that if they only knew the weight of his burden.

 I think the worst situation to find yourself in, is Job’s situation.  He needed sound counseling and what he received was judgment and condemnation.  There are those who lay in wait for the faithful to fall short. They have a need to bounce on the shortcomings of Christians.  This somehow makes them feel more secure and justified in their sin sick ways.  Oh, but thank God for Jesus, who has already atoned for our shortcomings.  So when you fall, seek Jesus, get up, and get back on the wagon.  As for those who condemned you, pray for them and move on.

As I conclude my walk through Job, I want to stress this point, even the best of us fail but God does not count how many times we fall, he just wants us to get back up and keep moving towards him.  God finally answered Job.  While he corrected Job for calling him out, he made the others pay Job for their false accusations.  

My conclusion of my journey through Job, some journeys are longer and more challenging than others.  As I said earlier, it is the middle part of the journey that so often causes us to stray from God’s plan.  The goal for 2015, stay focused on this faith journey. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What's in the Gift?

When I was a little girl, I loved going to my grandmother’s for the Christmas Holiday. One of the most memorable moments for me was pulling up to the house and smelling the aroma of the wood burning stove mixed with the aroma of pies, cakes, ham and turkey. I also enjoyed the fellowship of my cousins, aunts, uncles, and of course my grandparents.

My grandmother always had gifts for everyone. When I consider it now she had to have started shopping early, like January, because even if a guess showed up, one that wasn’t invited, it seemed that she had something for them too. She put a lot of love into all she did for us. As I look back the gifts appeared to be age appropriate too. I recall one year, all the older girls received sewing machines for Christmas and I got some ducks. Yes, initially, I was upset. I wanted to throw those ducks away. I wanted a sewing machine just like everyone else had. But you know what, as time passed I enjoyed pulling those quacking ducks around. I could take the ducks places the sewing machine couldn’t go. 

I think I can relate this situation to our lives today. Jesus, the gift, and our father God, the gift giver. God bestowed upon us a wonderful gift of love, the bible tells us that Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Not only do we have eternal life through him but he has a plan for us here on earth. He has planted in each of us gifts. Many times we don’t recognize the gifts we have because we are so caught up, much like I was, in coveting the gift of our neighbors.

So as we go through this season of giving, I encourage you to take a moment and consider the gift within you, and ask yourself, am I using what he’s given me to the fullest? Or am I looking outside for something better when the best is within me?

So in conclusion, I ask you today to consider the gift within you, and remember the gift giver. He has plans for you. Have you really accepted his gift?  As the New Year rolls in, we all make resolutions, right?  Well, this year resolve to make life changes, resolve to trust what God has placed inside of you.  Resolve to identify the gift within you and use it to bless others and never forget the greatest gift of all, the Love God shared with us, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Don't Quit

Don't Quit
An Inspirational Poem
(Author Unknown)

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Thought for Today: Be Ready

Thought for Today:

Be Ready

As Christians we may feel hedged in by some situations, and fiery darts may attempt to hit us from every direction, but we know that God always provides a way out. We may not know from which direction the door will open, but be confident that there is a pathway out, and be watchful and ready to move when it appears.

Ephesians 6:16 (NKJV)

Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Job: The Hedged in Affect

The Hedged in Affect

Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, and whom God has hedged in (Job 3:23)

I have been meditating and praying to God for revelation and true to his nature, when you seek him, you find him.  I am beginning to realize why he led me here.  When the storm goes on for long periods or when they appear to continuously hit us, we sometimes feel like Job, hedged in.  There is no hiding place although there is light we cannot find a way out.  We feel cornered in and it appears that everyone else is moving on, yet, we are stuck. 

Unfortunately, some of our lives are filled with trouble.  Sorry, I don’t’ have the answer for why? As I mentioned earlier, I did ask God about Job? It was heavy on my heart, and the reason I couldn’t get past the first chapter.  Again, it has a lot to do with where I am in this present battle with medical negligence.  So as I meditated and asked God, why?  His reply was to trust what I know about him and what he has shared with me.

What I know about God is that whenever he places me in a position, like the one I am in, he brings me out.  Because he knows me as well as he does, he leaves me markers.  So when he replied rely on what I know about him, I remembered the markers in my life.  He does that for us.  He leaves markers so when we are discouraged we know that he is with us, even when he is quiet.  Sometimes the most difficult part of the struggle is when we do not hear from him for long periods. 

When Robyn was declared brain-dead, God placed markers for me to reflect on because he knew I would question myself and him.  So when I questioned whether or not I was just crazy, or if he had really spoken to me, he reminded me of the specific things he led me to do.  Things that were simple, but I would not have done without his direction.  For this reason, as foolish as I know I may have sound, when I was told that Robyn was brain-dead, my reply was God gave me life for Robyn, and that I expected him to show up on her behalf. Well, I also expect him to move in this medical negligence battle.

While we may sometimes feel hedged in, as we know in Jobs case, God had already worked it out.  We have to trust and believe that as children of God, as we suffer with him, we win with him.  When the enemy is a billion dollar industry, filled with corrupt politics, deceptive medical practices and an unjust justice department, it appears that we are surrounded by evil and that there is no way out, but remember God always provides a way out. 

In spiritual battles, the goal is to destroy.  For the believer, Satan’s objective is to torment us to the point that we turn away from God.  God is our hope.  Take away our hope and we are lost.  In chapter two, we see that Satan is not satisfied, so he asks God for permission to strike Job again.  This time, not only does he attack Job’s flesh, but his wife too.  While Job is suffering from the soars to his body, his wife encourages him to curse God and die.  Certainly, Satan had moved in on her lack of faith and used it in an attempt to undermine Job’s faith. 

At this point, Job asks, shall we accept good from God and not trouble?  We are then told that in all this, Job did not sin in what he said (2:10).  My belief because of my own situation, is Job was starting to ask questions within.  Why me? Why my children? Yet, he refuses to speak it.  The heaviness of the devastation is working on his spirit and he is in a fierce battle to hold his ground. During battle, Satan often uses those closest to us to strengthen his position.  He comes from every direction, hence the hedged in feeling. 

The more I consider Job’s situation and what I know about the Lord, I know that Job had been prepared for battle long before Satan approached.  God does not send us into battle without proper preparation.  For him to place us into specific battles, he gives specific preparation.  So every day that we are in the trenches, and we watch while others walk away, yet, we rise to the challenge even when we would rather retreat, it is because God has placed something within us that cause us to stand. 

While I do not know how God is going to respond to medical negligence, I am trusting that God has already worked it out.  The fact that Robyn is alive after all that transpired is a testament to his awesomeness and his ability to turn things around when we least expect him to. 

My battle is medical negligence.  Someone else maybe battling another issue, but whatever it is trust that God has already worked it out.  You may feel hedged in by the enemy, but know that the blood of Jesus covers you and because of this victory is inevitable.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thought for Today

Thought for the day,

As a Christian, I have found that there is sometimes a bit of ambivalence when it is time to get up off our knees and take action. As a matter of fact, I find that fear often cause us to rebuke that which we should be addressing, complacency cause us to sit when we should be standing, and pure ignorance and the refusal to get an understanding cause us to attempt to hinder the progress of those who are fighting for us all. Therefore, we should all be mindful of how these things can disguise themselves and become strongholds in our lives.

Have a wonderful day in the Lord.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Letting Go

Thought for today,

Sometimes even the smallest shift in our lives causes alarm, I had one recently and it first unnerved me, but then the Lord showed me that there are some things that are temporary and are only meant to assist me at a specific point and time on the journey.  I share this to say that sometimes God allows situations and people in our lives for a specific purpose and brief moment.  Don't be alarmed when it's time for you and them to separate.  We sometimes attempt to hold on to things that are meant for temporary purposes. Be grateful for them.  Give thanks to God for their assistance, and move on.

Be Blessed

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thought for Today: Weariness

Thought for today,

It is when we are closest to the break through, that we sometimes become wearier than we've ever been on the journey, but keep pushing because I am.  I refuse to get this close and give in to the tactics of evil spiritual forces.  I am still moving through the book of Job.  Meditating on the word and will do a post on it soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thought for Today

Thought for today (not a study post):

So as I read through Job ( and this is not a study post) what I realize is that how we interpret and experience God's word has a lot to do with how we know (relationship) him.  The things that have bothered me most, is others interpretation of this particular book, and my refusal to go back and read and allow God to reveal to me what he wants me to take away from it.  I think I read through this entire book many years ago, but since Robyn's stroke, because of my issues with the first chapter, I refrained from reading it.  Where as some may not understand that, Job did, and I am sure those who have had questions about where they are in their walk after life situations happen may understand that too. And of course God knew what was in my heart and I am sure it is why he led me here.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Mother’s Perspective on Medical Negligence and Parallel Study of Job’s Struggle

As I go further into Job, still somewhat ambivalent to why God has me here and sharing my thoughts openly, because my thoughts can get really wild sometimes, but I am staying really close to the Lord on this because I know me.  So as I write I am asking God, are you sure you want me to share this? 

In my first post regarding my study of Job, I shared how he was not the first that God and Satan discussed.  Yet, Job, as God stated was one of a kind.  A blameless, upright man.  I also think I drew the parallel between us and Job.  Our belief in Jesus has cleaned us up.  Jesus presents us as blameless and faultless before God.  Hence, the battle has begun.  So we have essentially been placed right where Job was. We are also forewarned of this in 1 Peter 5:8 (NKJV).

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because[a] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

So I imagine that many like me, if we had the opportunity to speak with God about this medical negligence stuff, would have asked him to table it.  I would have begged, not me, and please no one else.  If he had said, Veverly, you will birth a daughter. A very bright academically-multitalented young girl, and at 13-years-old she will be struck down by medical negligence.  Her life will be changed forever, but I will be with you through all of it, I would have kicked and screamed, “Jesus, please, not me.” 

But, since man has free will and many are led by their greed and have little regard for human life, families like mine, find themselves at this crossroad due to preventable medical errors.  The spirits within those opposing us are sick.  The reason the battle appears impossible is because many politicians are protecting those who are killing our loved ones.  While politicians should be protecting the public, many are not because they are benefiting from the evil.  We are warned in God’s word about these powers and spirits.  We are also instructed to arm ourselves with the armor of God.  So that we can withstand (Ephesians 6: 11:13).

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Honestly, if I did not trust whole heartedly in the Lord, I would have given in years ago.  This battle can be overwhelming to the spirit, but the Lord continues to renew my spirit daily.  It is impossible to imagine how patients and families feel when they find themselves at this crossroad.  There is a feeling of discouragement and hopelessness in realizing there are no built in protections from the dishonest practices in the medical field, and that those in the law profession are sometimes paid off to undermine the patient’s case.  At that point, the brick wall appears, because those that could help, are afraid to take a stand.  Although many see and know the harm done, self-preservation cause them to stand by and watch the struggle instead of getting involved and stopping the killing and disabling of patients.

So as we know, Satan first destroyed Jobs possessions.  This news, he actually took well.  But, when he was told about the destruction of his children, like many of us, he was devastated.  As a matter of fact, this was the one thing Job feared the most. His wife told him to curse God and die and Job rebuked her. What I found interesting at the end of this passage is that it says “In all this Job did not sin with his lips (Job 2:10)” I thought it was interesting that it specified with his lips.  For me, someone who has been through a situation in which, initially, I did not openly say what my heart was thinking (Why God? Why?)) , I think is a first indication of Jobs inward struggle with what God was allowing in his life.  He was over wrought with grief.  He wished for his own death.  He felt alone.  I stop here because many times, we, as Christians, know the correct responses, but God knows the inner struggle that others are not privy to.  What I see in this passage is that Job refused to speak what was in his heart.  There was a struggle going on between the spirit and flesh.

I remember my own struggle after being told that Robyn was brain-dead.  My first question to God, why Robyn?  If tragedy was going to strike, why not me?  My biggest struggle was when God had me to actually speak and tell the medical team and the doctors, “God gave me life for Robyn.”  I struggled with that and wondered about my own sanity for a moment. 

For most parents, I think if we were given the option when tragedy strikes, we would take the place of our children.  While Robyn, did not die.  She lost parts of herself.  I know we are blessed.  So do not take my honesty as being ungrateful, but the reality is we lost part of her to medical negligence. 
While I was writing the first part of this post, Robyn came into my room.  I could tell she had something on her mind the way she burst through the door.  She said, “Mom, I need to talk to you.”  I said “OK.”  She started,

                “You know the school he is applying to was the school I wanted to attend.”  The “he” she is referring to is her younger brother.  The school, while I will not give the name is one of the highest ranking in the U.S.
                I said, “I know.” She just stood and looked at me for a moment.  I continued. “I have cried for you and prayed for you, because I knew this had to bring back memories.”
                “You have.”
                “Yes, I have.”
                “I didn’t think you understood.”
                “I understand and it pains me.  I am your mother.  I knew it was coming.”
                “I was all prepared to tell you, you don’t understand.”
                “Oh, but I do.”  We laughed because she was amazed at how quickly my response disarmed her.  She told me she was prepared with one of her, you don’t understand speeches.  She was utterly amazed that I was right there with her.  But I knew when we started visiting college information sessions for her brother, that they were causing triggers with her.  I cannot even imagine her pain, but as a mother I know my own, and some days it is a major struggle not to become consumed by the anguish.  This is what medical negligence has caused in our lives, but God has been gracious and we have overcome many obstacles getting to this point, and I told her she would get past this.  She just needs to focus on how far she has come.

Well, I will stop here.  Didn’t get very far.  I am in the very first verses of Job chapter 3.  I think I am getting off topic a bit.  I will do better next time.  Not sure were God is going with this...

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Waiting for God’s Response to Medical Negligence

I know there is purpose for everything that God allows in the lives of believers.  We all know that in his word we are told that it rains on the just and the unjust.  We, as believers are not immune to pain and suffering.  Actually, because of what we believe we face more.  But, his word does tell us that even the pain and suffering works together for good in the life of the believer.  So as I struggle to put this medical negligence battle into perspective, and continue to move forward, I am waiting and watching for God’s response because I know he has one, too many of his children are being affected.

Last week, I read and meditated on the faithful lives of Ruth and Esther.  How they stayed focused and on course.  When I was about to close the book, the Holy Spirit compelled me to move right into Job.  Now, the beginning of Job has always been one that I have struggled with, and just now God has given me a better understanding.  It was the conversation between God and Satan that I had a big issue with.  I imagine I am not the only who have asked, “Why would God do this to his faithful servant, Job?”

I have been in church since I can remember.  It is very possible that I missed the sermon on this part or I just never really got an understanding from the Lord, and today because this has always bothered me and I asked, he broke it down for me.  It is better sometimes to seek the source.  So here is what I received this morning.  The very moment we accept salvation, we are placed in the same position as Job.  The trials come when we act on our faith and according to our faith.  The enemy attacks because of our faith.  So the conversation with him and Satan, about Job, was not the first time nor the last.  It is one that he allowed us to see and hear, but yes, Job was a good example for us all and this is why he has given us a close up of what transpired. 

As simple as that was, I never got that out of what I read in the conversation between God and Satan.  I always felt like, “God, why did you do that?" Or, should I say, “God why did you throw Job under the bus?”  I believe this is how we sometimes feel, but as believers we must understand that the attacks do not come from him, but because of our belief in him.  So for me, this morning, this has helped me to stand even firmer against medical negligence.  I am even more certain that God will move.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

A Mother’s Perspective on Medical Negligence

Many days I want to just walk away from this fight (medical negligence).  I look at it and say, “Dear God, the apathy is so great and the officials are so corrupt. How on earth will your children find justice?  How can we stop the destruction of another life when there is so much money involved; consequently, many officials will look the other way because they are benefactors.  Dear Jesus, how do we fight against such?”

At the moment I am ready to throw in the towel, I read about another victim: a child, a father, a mother, etc. and I am reminded of where I was in October of 2007.  The day my 13-year-old daughter’s life was forever changed due to a preventable medical error.  At that moment, I pull myself together, ask God to forgive me for whining, and start again at writing and sending out my book to officials praying that it gets to the right one.  The one who will stand with the many victims of these heinous acts to create a national standard that will protect all patients across this nation from medical negligence.

There have been enough forums and hearings on preventable medical errors (medical negligence).  Now, there needs to be action taken to stop these horrendous acts.  We know that millions are affected each year, of these, approximately 440,000 thousand die and many others are left disabled.  Consider that this number is just an account of hospital errors, and does not account for those that occur in doctor’s offices.  If these acts were being committed in another country, it would be broadcast across the U.S. media and we would feel obligated to act because we stand for “Human Rights,” but it is happening right here and we are moved to do nothing, but hold meetings.  How can this be so?

Only a few states have dared to tackle this beast. California has Proposition 46 on the November ballot and, oh, the political pundits have made it sound like this proposed legislature will do harm to doctors.  Asking for accountability does not create a hardship to the medical community, it blocks the heart ache and the devastation created by a profession that lacks responsibility.  I applaud California for taking it on, but my daughter’s basic human rights were violated at the age of 13-years-old as a patient in Idaho. This should also be on the floor of the U.S. Congress and Senate because of the widespread violation of patients in this country.

If you wonder why others and myself keep pounding on the same brick wall, it is because we believe that at some point the blow will be hard enough to break through.  That someday a politician with enough courage will do more than talk, and will help us create a national standard for the medical profession.  One where medical records cannot be manipulated after a grave error has been committed and where criminal laws are applied to such an offense.  One where medical boards will be held responsible when they continue to allow negligent medical professionals to retain licenses when they know full well that these individuals are harming patients.  This is why I keep writing and others like me are speaking out, writing, and pleading for our Senators and Congressmen to do something.

Many days I long for the normal life I once had.  I often wonder where I stood before this day.  I ask myself, did you look and walk away.  But, I really had no clue of the injustice.  A person’s life can be destroyed by the health community that is purportedly there to help preserve it, and that this very community then becomes the predator and the patient the prey.  The injured has to be painted as misguided or delusional in order for the medical professional to preserve his/her status.  In my daughter’s case, of course they had done all they could, including changing medical records to undermine me.  I was painted as the misguided mother.

As the numbers show, many people are added daily to the list of patients affected by preventable medical errors.  I have joined with others on Facebook who want to stop the list from growing.  You can find me and many others who are taking a stand against medical negligence in ProPublica Patient Harm Community and NAMMV (National Association for Medical Malpractice Victims), Truth In Medicine, and many other groups, these are just a few. Not one more family should suffer this devastation, when elected officials have the power to reform the laws pertaining to medical negligence.  Stop by and see what happens when there is no accountability.  Great harm is done from a profession that takes an oath to “Do No Harm.”

It would be remiss of me not to mention that there are many in the health profession who are responsible. Who work hard and have helped families like mine to recover from the damaging effect of broken systems.  Yet, there are also those in the profession who witness the actions of the negligent monsters, like the one that nearly killed my daughter, and are quiet.  I ask this question of them, how much more are you responsible for knowing and not reporting it. 

I was catapulted into this fight in October of 2007, and as much as I would like to throw in the towel, I cannot because the cause needs as many voices speaking out as possible.  My faith tells me that my presence here is for a reason.  If you are reading this, your voice could help.  Share this post and spread the word.  Patient’s lives are being destroyed due to preventable medical errors at an alarming rate in the U.S. and we want our elected officials at the national level to take action.  Enough forums, hearings and meetings have been held on medical negligence. Now, please, take action to stop the death and disabling of American citizens in this country from this grave injustice.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Letter Sent to Idaho Falls Commissioners Seeking Assistance for Federal Investigation into Actions of Prosecutor Running for Judge in November Election

Letter sent to Idaho Falls/Bonneville County Commissioners: Christensen, Radford and Staker

My name is Veverly Edwards. I am writing because I need your assistance.  I have petitioned the court, prosecuting attorney Pickett and other officials in Idaho Falls and Boise to assist me in getting an investigation into the fraudulent actions of my daughter’s attorney (G. Lance Nalder) and the doctor (Erich Garland) we filed a malpractice lawsuit against in 2012.  Both of these individuals used fraudulent information to defraud the malpractice lawsuit.  I have written a book God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho and placed the information that documents the criminal behavior of Garland and Nalder and the unjust practices of City Attorney Fife, Prosecuting Attorney Pickett, the Idaho Falls Police Department and other officials in Idaho.  I know that no one will believe what transpired unless they see it.  These individuals attempted to quiet our voices. So I placed their letters filled with false information in the book to show and document their unethical practices.

After nearly losing my child (Robyn O. Edwards) in 2007, I discovered that Dr. Eric Garland, a neurologist in Idaho Falls, Idaho gave Robyn a prescription drug (Zomig) that caused a massive stroke. Once he realized his grave error, he then changed her medical records to reflect a migraine headache diagnosis and symptoms that she did not have. The drug, Zomig, is only given to treat migraine headaches. Robyn was having numbing sensations in her limbs. She never had a migraine headache.

In 2009, my ex-husband and I retained Nadler Law Firm to represent my daughter’s claim against Dr. Erich Garland. The case was scheduled to go to trial in October of 2012. Six months before going to trial, G. Lance Nalder withdrew from the case. I would have dismissed at that point had it not been for the fact that Nalder attempted to intimidate me with false medical records. I informed Nalder and the opposing side during a deposition in 2011 that the document in question, presented as a part of Robyn’s medical records, was not in my handwriting. I have since had a forensic document examiner review the document Nalder said compromised my testimony and the document is in Dr. Garland’s handwriting.  Nalder also made false accusations against the expert witness that his firm retained to give testimony.  He claimed that the expert recanted his statement, but I have a written statement that says the expert did not recant. It is also in the book.

These individuals made a mockery of my daughter’s medical malpractice case and of Idaho’s civil litigation process. Idaho Statute 18-2601 and 2602, states that it is a felony offense to introduce false information into any trail or court proceeding in Idaho even the investigative process. I have attempted several times to file a complaint with the Idaho Falls Police Department and they have refused to take a report. I even wrote Mayor Fuhriman and the city council for their assistance in 2013.

Mayor Fuhriman asked for City Attorney Fife’s opinion and Fife in a written letter lied to Fuhriman about the facts of the case.  I am sending you copies of the book “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho” because it has their letters and emails showing how they lied regarding the facts of the case.  In the letter addressed to Fuhriman, Attorney Fife states that he and Prosecuting Attorney Pickett did not think it was proper to prosecute Dr. Garland for violating statutes 18: 2601 and 2602.  My question is when is it proper to prosecute someone when they have committed a felony offense during a civil trial process?  What discriminating factors did Fife and Pickett use to determine it was not proper?  Was it because my daughter is African American and they are all white? You will find this information in chapters 3-6 of the book.

The people of Idaho need to know what kind of man Pickett is before electing him to a judgeship position.  If he cannot fairly operate and prosecute offenders of the law as a prosecutor, surely he does not need to be elected to the position of a judge.  He would only harm the citizens and turn his head as he has in his present position, when someone he deems it improper to prosecute has committed a criminal offense.

The statute of limitations have not run out on the fraud that I discovered in 2012 and reported to the police.  The police just refused to take any action. When I first spoke with Captain Cook of the Idaho Falls Police Department in 2013, he stated that even if I could prove Dr. Garland falsified the records, the statute of limitations had run out on Idaho 18: 2601-2602. He attempted to convince me that the time started when Garland falsified the records. However, it did not become a criminal offense until Dr. Garland used the documents during the court/trial process. So how could the statute of limitations for this offense start before he introduced and defrauded the court process? I did not discover it until my attorney attempted to defraud me with the material in 2012.  My belief is either the police cannot read and interpret the laws or they think the citizens are unread.

After I wrote the Idaho Falls City Council in 2013, the police finally took a report from me but did nothing. As a matter of fact, the emails in the book will show that I even sent evidence showing the offenses and they did nothing to investigate the fraudulent acts committed by both Dr. Garland and Attorneys Nalder and Barton. 

I also believe, because Garland was heading an initiative that the City of Idaho Falls had a stake in, is the reason that everyone took part in this deceptive plot.  Please read the book all of this information is spelled out in it.  My goal is to get the federal government to intervene and investigate all of the individuals that took part in this scheme to defraud my daughter’s case.

I would think that the representatives of the people of Idaho Falls would have a problem with this. It is a dangerous precedence to allow a doctor to blatantly and willfully falsify information, allow it to be used during a civil court proceeding, and not hold him accountable according to the statutes of Idaho that cover such criminal behavior. This doctor’s actions forever changed the life of a 13-year-old girl. Innocent people do not change records and defraud civil cases. We need help in getting a federal investigation into this doctor’s criminal offense, G.  Lance Nalder’s criminal behavior in defrauded his own clients, and all of the officials who turned their heads and allowed these criminal acts to go unaddressed, including Prosecutor Pickett.

I hope you read this information and realize that a grave offense took place.  No one in Idaho has offered to assist Robyn and me, or give us any directions on how to continue.  So I am writing you as County Commissioners of Bonneville County asking for your assistance in getting a Federal Investigation into the actions of all of these individuals.


Robyn Edwards 
Veverly M. Edwards

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

God can handle the Inquisition-You Just Stand

I remember when Robyn was in ICU and a petition was filed against me to take custody of my children. While this was upsetting, I knew that the petition was filled with lies, so for the most part it didn't bother me. What bothered me was to leave Robyn’s bedside, but fortunately for me one of my sisters was there and stood in while I addressed the situation. A few weeks later, I received a phone call from an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee stating that a complaint was about to be filed against me for refusing medical care for Robyn, because I was waiting on God to work a miracle. I told the attorney God had already worked the miracle. What I refused, was to allow them to experiment on Robyn with mind and mood altering drugs. I was so upset after that call. I went to my car and cried out to the Lord, “Why are you allowing them to make a mockery of me?” He replied to me, “It is not you they are questioning, it is me.”
If you feel like your faith is being attacked, it probably is, but who they are really aiming at, is God. So give it to him because he can handle the inquisition-you just stand.

Job 19:25 (KJV)

For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

If It is Your Time to Move, Just do it!

Good Morning,

I was meditating this morning and as I looked back I remember about this time in 2012 I was ready to return home to Memphis. We were homeless and I couldn't find a job in Orange County, California. I recall my anger with God because the move proved more difficult than I thought it would be. But I was determined to bring Robyn here to attend a brain-injury program that would assist with her cognitive rehabilitation.

I remember my kids saying, no, mom let's just wait it out. My younger son asked me where was the faith I had taught him. Yeah, that was my eye opener, if my teenage son could believe that the God I taught him about would deliver us, why couldn't I?

Change is difficult, but sometimes necessary. Many times we turn back because the process appears overwhelming. We will run back into captivity because we have conditioned ourselves to believe it was comfortable, instead of running into the arms of God and trusting he will deliver us to a safe place. Isn't he an awesome God!

So I shared that because many times when it is time to move, because of fear and what may happen, we stay in places longer than we should. If it is your time to move, do it, trusting that whatever happens God will see you through it and deliver you to where he wants you to be.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Let's Change the WORLD Movement and Radio Show

Hello everyone, I will be a guest this weekend on Dale Davis' Let's Change the WORLD Movement and Radio Show  (segment on Books and Music that Change the World).  If you are able, please tune in on Sunday, September 14, at 7 p.m. est., and 4 p.m. pst, and 6 p.m. cst.  Hope to hear from some of you who have read the book, "God's Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho."

If you want to know more about me and the book, read my latest blogpost: The Challenges of Rehabilitating a Child Declared Brain-Dead ( or visit my website (

Hope to hear from you on Sunday evening. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Challenges of Rehabilitating a Child Declared Brain-Dead

In the days following the medical team’s declaration that my daughter, Robyn, was brain-dead, I refused to leave her bedside because I wanted to make sure she received the care of someone expected to live.  I did not think the medical team at Primary Children’s Hospital (PCH) would harm her, but at that point, I did believe they would treat her like someone who was dying.  I have seen many cases of people declared brain-dead since Robyn, and I often wonder about these cases and the care given after the declaration.
                One of the things I was grateful for in Robyn’s case was that the medical team at PCH, although they did not believe she would live, never threatened to disconnect her from life support.  I appreciated the neurosurgeon asking me, “Ms. Edwards what do you want me to do?”  I asked for more time and he gave her another week.  It was in that week that she made a small movement and it was evident she was not brain-dead.  Although they informed me not to place much hope into that because of the mass amount of damage to her brain from the stroke, I took that as a sign that God was indeed bringing her back.
                Robyn was never expected to get out of bed, as a matter of fact, when she opened her eyes for the first time, I was told not to expect any more than that.  But I told them, I expected much more.  I anticipated she would come out of the coma because I was trusting God for that.  I was often told that she would have another stroke because of her condition, but I refused to believe that too. When she finally regained consciousness, the medical team was astounded, and there were many evaluations to establish her baseline, where she was when she regained consciousness compared to where she was before the stroke.
                Robyn’s brain had endured a mass about of trauma from the stroke.  One of the first noticeable signs was when she starting swearing.  With a lot of redirection from the nurses, therapists, family, her dad, and me, she regained those filtering skills rather quickly.
The medical team also wanted to place her on medications, which I was against.  I did not want anything to alter her mental state or control her reactions.  I believed this was something she would need to learn to do again on her own.  After allowing them to try a couple of drugs, and seeing the affects, I refused to allow them to give her anything that affected her mentally.  I allowed the aspirin and the drug for the spasticity in her muscles, but that was it.  Oh, and there was the antibiotics for the infections she contracted while there.  We were in the hospital for five months. 
After Robyn awakened from the coma, I was told that she would need to be admitted to a long term care facility.  Yes, I rebuked that in the name of Jesus too.  I told the medical team that Robyn was going home.  If Robyn had to go to a facility, that meant I had to go, and we had been away from home too long.  I was told by the medical team that she would be too much to care for on my own.  But there was a case manager in the meeting that stated if I wanted to take her home, she would help me with the transition.  So I had to be trained in preparation to return home.
The most challenging situations were the ones where I had to give in to something that I trusted God to correct.  For instance, when I was told she would need a tracheotomy and feeding tube for life, I refused to accept that.  But because they believed this to be fact, I had to be trained in the hospital in order to prepare to take her home.  Some days were truly difficult.  I often told God during the training, “I don’t know why I am going through this but I am trusting you that it is not for Robyn.”
When Robyn first began therapy in the hospital, I remember one of the first goals was something like sitting up on the side of the bed, without assistance, for five seconds.  That sounds like a small amount of time, but for someone who lost that ability it was a monumental moment when she was able to achieve it.  With the assistance of the therapists at PCH and colonel the therapy dog, Robyn made great strides. 
By this time Robyn was breathing on her own and it was obvious that the tracheotomy could be removed, but she was still dependent on the feeding tube.  When the speech therapist informed Robyn of what she needed to do to eat again, Robyn and I went to work on strengthening her muscles in her face and her mouth.  Within in a few weeks, the speech therapist ordered a swallow study.  A few weeks later Robyn was eating again.  I often tell Robyn that those scars are battle scars and a reminder of where God brought her from.
Robyn spent several months in intense therapy at PCH.  I was grateful that she was strong enough to endure their program.  I am not advertising for Primary Children’s Hospital, but the rehabilitation team there has to be one of the best in the nation.  Robyn went from a very active 13-year-old to not being able to move or hold her head up.  The team of therapist at PCH, were great motivators and they never set limits for her, and I believe they too believe in miracles.  They played a major role in her successes.
When I left PCH, Robyn was feeding herself with a fork.  She had made major strides, but had many more to achieve.  The nurses and therapists trained me on everything from giving her baths to transferring her in and out of her wheelchair.  I must tell you that when I left the hospital, I informed God that I was not anticipating Robyn going home in a wheelchair.  I also informed him that I had no idea how I was going to care for Robyn and her brothers, but I was trusting he would get me through it.
While the challenges in the hospital were great, the transition home and all that it entailed was overwhelming.  When I had to fill out social security paperwork for Robyn, I thought I was gonna suffocate.  This was not supposed to happen to her at 13-years-old.  The day I had to return to the school to get information for her return, I almost had a meltdown in the hallway.  When I saw the kids in the hallway and postings of activities on the walls, a flood of memories came to my mind.  I muted the scream inside of me.  I headed for the nearest exit, ran to the car, and I cried. 
Robyn’s transition home also affected her brothers.  My mom stayed with them the five months Robyn and I were in the hospital and another three months after we returned home.  She also returned several times to take the pressure off of me.  With Robyn’s schedule of school, therapy and needing my assistance as a scribe in the evenings, there was little time for much else.  So this affected the boys, mostly my youngest son.  As a mother I tried to balance the effects of Robyn’s condition on everyone, but there was no way to really do that.  When my oldest son left for college, my youngest son felt the affect more than anyone.
Robyn was readmitted to PCH about a year after the discharge from the five month stay.  When I was told by a friend that water therapy was really good for mobility issues, I changed Robyn’s physical therapist to one that offered water therapy.  It was the water therapy that helped her to take steps again with her left leg.  After several months in water therapy, I asked her rehabilitation doctor at PCH if she could help get Robyn stable enough to walk.  She had Robyn readmitted for a month of intense therapy at PCH, and Robyn left there taking steps on her own again.
The initial reentry to school went well.  It was when she transitioned to high school that I found myself up against a new set of challenges.  To make it short, I will just say that most schools are not prepared to educate a child with a traumatic brain injury.  So there is a tendency to box them in, but I expected and refused to accept anything less than an education for Robyn.
After high school, Robyn enrolled in a brain injury program at a college in Southern California.  This too proved challenging, but she made it through.  Robyn enrolled in an academic program at Irvine Valley College in August of this year (2014).  I imagine this too will be a challenge, but she has overcome so many I expect that she will conquer it too. 
When I read about other families in our situation, I can only say what a neurologist at Primary Children’s Hospital said to me before we moved away, “I can never tell another parent who has a child with a brain injury as severe as Robyn’s that their child will live, but I can tell them of one who did.”
Checkout my website for information about my book, “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho” and a PowerPoint presentation of Robyn’s journey (  Robyn’s massive stroke was caused by a preventable medical error due to the negligence of a doctor in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Poem: The Parade of Injustice

Poem: Parade of Injustice
By: Veverly Edwards

I wonder now, as I am pushed and shoved forward
                Did I once stand by the side with averted eyes?
                Refusing to look up, can’t be a witness
                Or maybe afraid that humanity may strike me
                As I looked on the crowd, searching for a familiar face
                I thought I saw one, but the jerk of a head
                Roll of eyes, and a twisted face
                They didn’t want to be identified

                And so onward I moved, and out of sheer exhaustion
                I shouted “Don’t you see what they’ve done?”
                Then suddenly a lady in the parade scorned me
                “What are you doing? They don’t care”

                “But if they heard me, if they saw me,” I said
                “Do you think they are blind?” she replied
                As I looked around, I saw the signs
                Innocent convicted, Guilty set free

                Oh, I see a Christian, I see a Christian
                How excited I was, and then to my surprise
                Their glare vexed my spirit, I started to despair
                But the spirit reminded me, Of My Lord, My God
                As I looked ahead, the line was thinning
                For a moment, I thought we were progressing
                As I approached the turn, I saw onlookers waving
                Give it up! Let it go! Move on!

                People were leaving, they were worn and tired
                And I said to the Lord, “Please can I go?”
                But instead he made me a promise
” I will never forsake you”
So in the parade I stayed.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bonneville County Prosecutor, Bruce Picket, decided it was not “Proper” to Prosecute a Local Doctor for a Felony Offense

Not sure if there is a written code regarding when it is “proper” to prosecute someone for a felony offense. In all likelihood it is an unspoken code created behind closed doors by officials in Idaho Falls, Idaho.  In 2013, Idaho Falls City Attorney, Randall Fife, disclosed in a letter to Mayor Jared Fuhriman that after a discussion with the Bonneville County Prosecutor, Bruce Pickett, they agreed that it was not proper to prosecute a local doctor for allowing fraudulent records to be introduced during a medical malpractice court process.  Idaho Statute 18-2602, states that this is a felony offense.

The letter and other documents that show the disturbing lack of ethics of officials in Idaho Falls appear in chapter 6 of “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho.”  Attorney Fife goes on to make many false statements in the letter. 

It is unsettling to know that elected officials and appointed ones lack integrity and the ability to protect the rights of every citizen within the communities they represent. I am sure that citizens in Idaho Falls would like to know what discriminating factors the prosecuting attorney and the city attorney used to determine who it is “proper” to prosecute when a felony has been committed.  Idaho Falls is not the lone wolf, but it is a prime example of why the Federal Government needs to do more in the area of Medical Malpractice reform to insure local officials do not corrupt the civil process, and, even more so, the criminal process.  The violation of citizen’s rights by elected officials is not acceptable. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

In 2013, Elected Officials in Idaho Falls, Idaho Participated in Violating the Rights of a Disabled-African-American Teen

For Immediate Release

                                Contact: Veverly M. Edwards
                    Books Name: God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho
                                Email contact:

In 2013, Elected Officials in Idaho Falls, Idaho Participated in Violating the Rights of a Disabled-African-American Teen

The book: God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho

Orange County California, June 9, 2014 – This book was written as the latter events unfolded. The statute of limitations has not run out for the individuals who committed fraud during 2012, to be brought to justice. Consequently, information was suppressed by Idaho officials and the child’s mother was portrayed as misguided.

The book “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho” is a true, documented account of a single mother's fight for her child's basic human rights among officials in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Her daughter was only 13-years-old when she was struck by tragedy. No, it was not a gunshot wound, nor a car crash, but a preventable medical error. She is raising her voice for all those who have experienced a similar tragedy.  Preventable medical errors strikes millions each year. No one knows whose name will be added to the list tomorrow.  It could be you. What is worse than medical negligence? The injustice. This book gives a disturbing account of what goes on behind the scenes where justice has no voice.

For more information on “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho” visit Amazon’s website: It will be available on other book distribution sites in the coming weeks.

Press Contact: Veverly

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why I filed to represent my daughter’s Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Idaho

               No, I am not a lawyer, just a mother who will stand up to anyone or anything that threatens to harm my children.  In 2012, I learned many disappointing facts about the judicial process in the US.  The most unsettling was the reality that justice eludes the process in many cases.  I took on my daughter’s case after the two attorneys representing her interests attempted to intimidate me into dismissing the case with prejudice, using altered medical records.
                I keep asking myself, why these two men thought they could so easily undermine us, especially when all the evidence shows that they lied.  Well, I realized after filing one petition after the other, that the processes in Idaho were set up so that defrauding a legal case was pretty simple to do.  All the lawyers had to do was undermine me, and lie on the expert witness.  Of course with my limited resources, I would not be able to stand against them. 
When I filed pro se to represent my daughter’s case I was given all of the legal documents.  They were not concerned because no one was going to hear me in Idaho.  I imagine that Idaho officials thought I would go away after their refusal to address my concerns and their success of portraying me as a misguided mother.  But I am not the average person, and I feel compelled to expose the corruption so that another family does not encounter the same issue. 
                It was difficult to watch my daughter struggle to regain cognitive and physical abilities while fighting politicians, lawyers and public servants who attempted to strip her of her civil right to legal recourse.  Many days, I wanted to scream, why me.
                As I attempted to keep my children focused and stand against the unethical processes in Idaho, I realized that many other families across this nation was fighting similar battles.  What is alarming, is that the number of patients being harmed and sometimes killed is rising, but there is little in the news about it.  There are no in-depth documentaries about the many lives lost each year.  Families are left traumatized by a system that has no compassion, and then undermines their loss by defrauded them to keep from being exposed.
                Mothers and fathers are losing children.  Children are losing parents.  Yet, the silent killers are protected and the patient and families are being written off as delusional.  Not so.  In my book “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho,” which will be released soon, the deception of the officials in Idaho is obvious.  I, myself, was portrayed as a misguided mother.  The many officials and boards I wrote to ignored the evidence, even said that my concerns were not founded.  Yet, the truth was in the files. 
                While the number of those who are responsible for negligence in the medical community is small, millions of patients are affected by them.  Another disappointing fact, their colleagues know who they are, but take a vow of silence to protect them.  Because this is a billion dollar industry, no one wants to really stand against them.  I am raising my voice, hopefully, so that others will not encounter what millions of others, like my family, have endured.  When I filed pro se to represent my daughter’s case, I never imagined that I would find that the process was corrupt.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Protect Patient's Rights

Thanks to everyone who liked and reposted the post "The Affordable Care Act - A Mother's Appeal to President Obama. The appeal focuses on the part of the act pertaining to patients rights/medical malpractice torts, which was left in the hands of the states. In Idaho and other states patient's rights are not protected.

If you haven't read it, please do so, and make a comment or like it and pass it on. Like many of you, before we met with medical negligence, I worked, paid my insurance premiums and life was good. I never would have imagined what families go through when a doctor destroys the life of a patient. It still happens. I pray it does not happen to any of you. Something needs to be done to prevent it. Only a small percentage of doctors are accountable for preventable medical errors, but they affect millions of lives each year. Some patients die and others, like Robyn, are left disabled

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Affordable Care Act - A Mother’s Appeal to President Obama

Dear President Obama,

Recently, I downloaded a copy of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  I applaud you for your hard work in making insurance affordable to all citizens.  I know that many people attempted to undermine your efforts.  I am glad you succeeded in passing this act.  However, I was disappointed when I read the Sense of the Senate on Medical Malpractice Reform.  The reform of Medical Malpractice Statutes should not be left to the discretion of the states.

President Obama, in October 2007, my 13-year-old daughter’s dreams were destroyed by the negligence of a doctor in Idaho Falls, Idaho.  She was just entering her teenage years.  She was an honor student, as of matter of fact, the spring before she had a stroke, she was inducted into the honor society.  She was excited about all that life was showing her.  She also aspired to be an athlete.  She ran track and she was one of the fastest runner on her track team.

October 1, 2007, a neurologist prescribed Zomig to her for numbing sensations she had in her limbs.  On October 5, 2007, she was airlifted to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, because she had a massive stroke.  On October 9, 2007, she was declared brain-dead.  We were told that the Robyn we knew was gone, that her spirit had left her body.  There are no words to explain how this devastated and forever changed the lives of my family and me.  Consequently, God allowed Robyn to live.

President Obama, I found out later that Zomig was only to be given to patients diagnosed with migraine headaches.  It was also not recommended for children. My daughter, Robyn, never had a migraine headache.  Nor, did she have headaches with the numbing sensations.  Robyn was actually diagnosed with a rare condition called MoyaMoya, which causes the carotid arteries to occlude causing transient ischemic attacks (mini strokes), which explained the numbing sensations.  Consequently, Zomig causes the constriction of the arteries too.  The Zomig prescribed by the neurologist acerbated her condition and caused a massive stroke.

In 2012, I discovered that her medical records had been changed to include a diagnosis of migraine headache.  This was revealed when the attorney representing Robyn’s interests in a malpractice case attempted to intimidate me into dismissing the case, with prejudice, six months before the trial date.  At this time, I realized that I was in the midst of systemic corruption in the medical and legal communities in Idaho. 

President Obama, I am a minority.  My daughter’s basic human rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness were stripped from her, and her right to civil recourse was silenced by the criminals within the legal system in Idaho.  As African Americans in Idaho, our rights were violated and the legal system in Idaho took an active role.  I have collected the information that the officials there were able to suppress.  I wrote a book and placed the evidence in the book, “God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho.”  It should be out within a few weeks.  I hope you obtain a copy.  I would send you one but I doubt that you would get it. I am appealing to you in this blog in hopes that you will read this appeal and obtain a copy of the book.  I also pray that U.S. Attorney General Holder obtains a copy.

President Obama, if you do not step in and help, I am afraid that systems like the one that exists in Idaho, will continue to violate the basic human rights of patients. Too often, the rights of citizens are not protected.  Like many citizens, before my daughter’s stroke, I worked, paid my insurance premiums, and was content.  I could have never imagined what transpired in our lives in 2007-2012, in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

“God’s Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho,” will be out in a few weeks.  If the evidence was not there to support my claim, it would be difficult to believe that officials in Idaho committed these acts.

President Obama, I hope this post reaches you.


Veverly Edwards