Saturday, October 19, 2013

Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason with the Wrong Attitude

As God reveals some things to me, I will share them with you all.  The most difficult part of this journey has been watching the enemy and the corruption throughout the legal system in Idaho.  Even though God had already shown me that our win would not be in the court system there, but that I needed to go through the processes, it still angered me when I saw all the evil.  As a matter of fact, I had forgotten and totally lost my focus.  I actually expected that someone would come forward and stand up for what is right.  What I have learned with my Father God is attitude is most important.  Doing the Right Thing, for the Right Reason with the Wrong Attitude does not work.

Essentially, the very flaw that I try hard not to allow to surface came right in and took the driver’s seat and it wasn’t until the Lord showed me myself that I realized my hot temper was at the steering wheel. I have shone the light on the enemy so it is only right for me to share that my attitude has been a stumbling block for me in this situation. As I go forward you all can help, when you see my tempter flare just send me a message and let me know that you saw Old Veverly in the post.

For those who may be wondering, even though it appears I have lost every battle in the system in Idaho, it is OK, because it was necessary for God’s purpose.   God has instructed me to stay focus on Him and let go of my anger so that I can get control of my temper.  Oh, and to stop watching the enemy because I am allowing their actions to move me to anger which distracts me from what I should be doing.

There are many who have faced the injustice and corruption in the legal system in this country.  It can be overwhelming to the mind, body and spirit if you expect justice and it does not come to fruition.  I honestly have no clue how God is going to work this situation out, I am just blindly following Him because I trust Him.  He has never let me down and has always shown up when I needed Him. 

I ask myself, “How did you allow your temper to get so far out of control?”  I now recognize the day the attorney showed me the false records, old Veverly, hopped right up front.  I was boiling hot when I realized what they were attempting to do.  Although the Lord had shown me I was not going to win against these individuals on their ground, I did not anticipate the deception that I encountered nor the evil. 

This is why it is important that we put on the whole armor of God. My heart was already torn and vulnerable, the last thing I needed was to expose it to the evil doings of these people.  The doctor had destroyed Robyn’s life, and to add changing her medical records and the entire system cover it, oh, I was hurt, angry and as hot as a firecracker.  Had God not stopped me, the anger would have consumed me.  He shows me what some will tell me, but I don’t always listen.  For me, healing and moving forward is about being honest with myself and accepting my mistakes and learning how not to make the same mistake again.  Attitude is as important as the stand for right, because you can’t stand for what is right with the wrong attitude.

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