Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Dangers of Evil Minds in Medicine

Good morning! Wednesday! So I haven't written much or said much lately about "God's Miracle Among Corruption in Idaho" except for in my writing classes. The book is packed with information. So much so that I think I need to unpack it. But I will always believe that in Idaho Falls there are physicians there placing minorities, women and children on anti-psychotic drugs for no other reason than to promote pharmaceutical sales. Those who knew Robyn, know that she had no medical problems that any of us knew of. She'd had a few numbing sensations in her limbs when we visited the neurologist. She was an athlete, honor student, etc. After this doctor realized these meds caused her to have a massive stroke - leaving her near death - he changed her medical records to reflect she had a history of migraine headaches and that she was constantly missing school. This was recorded in his deposition under oath to tell the truth. All of these lies could have been easily verified by checking her school records and with friends and family who associated with her. Her attorney and the doctor's attorney knew this, so they decided to undermined me and lie on the expert witness. Until that moment, I had not met with, nor stood toe to toe with such evil. Believe me, you are never the same again when you come that close to such sick spirited evil minds, and to know that they destroyed my child's life, and because they were cowards, did as cowards often do, lied and attempted to intimidate me to cover their tracks. The book gives explicit details: medical records, copies of depositions, emails from the local police, letters from the bar association and the medical boards and other officials, showing their lies. It also contains an eight page testimony from the expert witness who concludes that the neurologist took away any chances of Robyn living a normal life and another letter that states he never recanted his statement. Robyn's attorney lied to the Idaho Bar Association stating that the expert recanted his statement. Of course the Bar Association, too, could have verified these were lies but didn't. All of them were more concerned with protecting this reckless doctor's reputation than the life of the thirteen-year-old child who was destroyed by his carelessness and greed. But they didn't consider that I might not walk away without a fight, and that God would give me the strength to place all of their lies in writing, and believe me, had He not walked me through all of this I would be an emotional wreck today.

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