I am thankful to God that I took a step back and am much
calmer and at peace in addressing this issue and following His plan. Now, when I consider the amount of deception
and the levels of officials in Idaho who have taken part in defrauding Robyn’s Medical
Malpractice case, I am no longer surprised.
The love of money and corrupt politics will cause people to
take immoral measures, but I will not shrink from the enemy
The most disheartening reality is that the truth is
not hidden. The officials there just
refuse to acknowledge it. I am sure they are wondering, “What is keeping her
going?” The Lord and the truth. While
they may be able to defer the truth from rising, they are not omnipotent and it
will be revealed.
The fact that this doctor destroyed the life of a vibrant-intelligent-African-American
girl does not matter. Maybe it is
because in their twisted reasoning and sense of entitlement, Idaho officials decided
that the doctor’s reputation and monetary contributions in their community was more
important than Robyn’s life or any other minority in that community.
See, I don’t believe Robyn’s case is the only one that has
been defrauded in Idaho. It is difficult
to fight there and many times people give in.
I believe the officials in Idaho are afraid if this case makes headlines
many others whom they have defrauded in the past will come forward and all
their skeletons may come falling out of the closet.
But I am not worried, because maybe God is saying it is time
to reveal the deceit and inhumane practices in Idaho. Just maybe, it is time for those who have
been abused by the system there to obtain justice.
With Robyn’s case, the evidence is obvious. Our problem is the system
will not acknowledge it and have painted a distorted picture of me. Robyn’s attorney gives others the impression
that he did everything possible in her case, and that I just refused to acknowledge there was
no negligence and that what happened to Robyn was inevitable.
Yet, no one will address the fraudulent records. Robyn was an outgoing child who participated in
activities at school and church. The
diagnosis of migraine headaches that sometimes lasted all day, is a lie. Dr. Garland wrote that into her file after he
realized his grave error, and it can be disputed by anyone who knew Robyn
before the stroke.
There was no reasoning for Dr. Garland to prescribe Zomig, a drug not recommended for children and only to be given to patients when a diagnosis of "migraine headaches" has been established. The fact that the drug could prove fatal to someone with other neurological problems appeared to have no bearing on the fact that he was giving it to someone complaining of numbness in her limbs. This leads me to now believe he had no clue to the drug he gave her in his office.
Most people did not know about the numbness Robyn was experiencing in her limbs because it was
not consistent. Dr. Garland's actions were not just negligent but gross negligence. There is nothing in her medical history that supported this diagnosis and it is
evident by the medical records, but they have painted the picture of a distraught
mother who just won’t accept the unfortunate fate of her child.
Every source for recourse I submitted a
complaint to in Idaho, rejected the information in the files. I am sure that many have to be uncomfortable
and the plan has to be, if no one acknowledges the truth, she will go
away. Yet, I am not going anywhere and
yes I do expect the truth to rise. I am waiting on God and following His instructions. He will decide when to reveal their deceit. I am at peace and will not shrink. The truth will rise.
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”
Dr. Martin Luther King
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